Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I think I know how Jeremiah must feel...

I cannot tell you how bad it hurts me to see people around me self-destruct. I am currently spending my personal Bible study time in Jeremiah. I feel like it is such an appropriate time for me to be in that book. Jeremiah is warning God's people that if they continue in their sinful behavior that they will end up hurting themselves and losing God's blessings. The people refuse to listen though, and Jeremiah is constantly depressed and weeping for those people. That's how I feel when I look at my friends who choose to reject God. I see myspace and facebook photos of my friends drunk and high and it is so depressing. And it makes me feel so guilty too. Why can't I live my life in such a way that appeals to people, so that they won't turn to that junk? What could I say to them to somehow explain to them that there is hope and there is a way to be dug out from the filth that this world tries to drown us in? It scares me so bad to think of these people spending eternity away from God. I wish so bad I could choose for them. But I can't. The fact of the matter is God knew when He told Jeremiah to warn His people that they wouldn't listen. God gave the people so many opportunities to hear, and Jeremiah remained faithful to God and told them, but when it came down to it, it was their job to make the choice. Certain people have so been laid on my heart lately and I'm learning that all I can do is share my faith and pray over it. Someone once told me that it is possible to love someone out of their problems. Man I wish that were true. Because I'd do it in a heart beat. But more times than not, it just doesn't work that way. If you are reading this, please pray for me to be bold enough to share my faith with people, even when the situation seems hopeless. I can only try and pray for miracles.

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